IV Colloque International Magistri Cataloniae
Next 28 February 2020 will be held the IV Colloque International Magistri Cataloniae:
Terra Santa a Occident: objectes, imatges i relíquies.
Date and place: 28 February 2020. Sala de Graus, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
III Colloque International Magistri Cataloniae
Next 16 November 2018 will be held the III Colloque International Magistri Cataloniae with a session entitled: Un nou cicle de pintura mural: Saint-Pierre d'Ourjout (Couserans) en el context del romànic pirinenc. This colloque has been organized and coordinated by Magistri Cataloniae (SGR 2017 - 231).
Date and place: 16 November 2018. Sala de Graus, Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
XXIV Seminari de Romànic. Amics de Besalú i el seu Comtat
XXIV Seminari de Romànic. Amics de Besalú i el seu Comtat. Centre d’Estudis:
EL ROMÀNIC DE LA GARROTXA REVISITAT: monuments de l'escultura del segle XII
Date: 4 de juliol de 2015
Place: Sala Gòtica de la Cúria Reial de Besalú
Verónica Abenza's lecture in the International Research Conference Universität Heidelberg
Next 24 February Verónica Abenza, researcher of our research project Magistri Cataloniae, is giving a lecture in the International Research Conference: Presence and InVisibility – sign-bearing artefacts in sacral spaces. This Conference has been organized by the Research Project Materiale Textkulturen of the Universität Heidelberg. The lecture is entitled: In the name of the queen. Female patron portraits and inscriptions in 11th Century Aragon.
Date and place: 24 February 2015, 11.00 h. ZAW - Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften (Marstallhof 4, Viertes Obergeschoss, Vorlesesaal 513, 69117 Heidelberg).
Next 17 April 2015 will be held the I Jornada Magistri Cataloniae with a session entitled: "El Pórtico de la Gloria en contexto europeu, hispano y mediterraneo". This colloque has been organized by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and coordinated by Carls Sánchez (Magistri Cataloniae).
Date and place: 17 April 2015. From 9,30 to 14,00 h. Sala de Graus. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB.
New Series of Conferences Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya-Magistri Cataloniae
The Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya and the research project Magistri Cataloniae are organising a new series of conferences entitled L'emergència del món profà en l'art medieval: Temes per un nou públic?. Some of the conferences will be held by Avital Heyman, Carles Sánchez and Cèsar Favà, researchers of our research project Magistri Cataloniae.
Place and date: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, November 2014.
Dr. Avital Heyman, researcher of our research project MAGISTRI CATALONIAE, will give a seminar as part of the Master in "Anàlisi i Gestió del Patrimoni artístic" of the Departament d'Art i Musicologia of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Title: “La topografía sagrada y la peregrinación en la Jerusalén de la época cruzada”.
Date and place: Room 603. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres of the UAB. (14 November 2014).
The I SIMPOSI MAGISTRI CATALONIAE: Artista anònim, artista amb signatura. Identitat, estatus i rol de l'artista en l'art medieval will be held next 7-8 November 2014. This International Symposium has been organized by our Research Project MAGISTRI CATALONIAE, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Museu Episcopal de Vic, with the collaboration of the Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB.
The Symposium is based on the research carried out as part of our Research Project MAGISTRI CATALONIAE. There wil be presented some of the results of that research and it aims to provide some important answers to the issues related with the medieval artist and the processes involved in the creation of the work of art. Some important questions will be answered by combining several approaches. The main ones are the relation between the masters, the workshops and their patrons, the problems associated to the techniques and artists' training, their laical or ecclesiastical condition, the issues connected with the signature and the anonymity, as well as artists' social status.
Registration process is available.
Dates and place:
Friday 7 November 2014. Place: Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres de la UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Edifici B, Campus de la UAB 08193 Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès).
Saturday 8 November 2014. Place: Sala d'actes del Museu Episcopal de Vic (Plaça del Bisbe Oliba, 3, 08500, Vic).

XXIII Seminari de Romànic. Amics de Besalú i el seu Comtat
XXIII Seminari de Romànic. Amics de Besalú i el seu Comtat. Centre d’Estudis:
Date and Place: 5 july 2014. Sala Gòtica de la Cúria Reial de Besalú