Cutrina Gallart, Laia



Laia Cutrina (1996) is graduated in History of Art from Autonomous University of Barcelona (2018) with a mention in Management of Artistic Heritage. She has completed the Official Master’s degree in Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage at the same university (2019), performing professional practices in the Medieval Area of the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC). Also, she completes her formation working as a tourist guide at the monastery of Ripoll and is a member of the Centre d’Estudis Comarcals del Ripollès.

She enjoyed a collaboration grant with the Art and Musicology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, granted by the  Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, within the framework of the research project of MICINN “Artists, Patrons and Public. Catalonia and the Mediterranean (XI-XV centuries) – MAGISTRI CATALONIAE” (HAR2011-23015). As a scholarship holder, she performed support tasks in the Department and investigation tasks within the Project. Likewise, she has participated and collaborated in the organisation of congresses, seminars and meetings.

Her investigation lines are mainly focused on the study of the Romanesque art of the Crown of Aragon, performing a pioneering research about the use and significance of the polychromy on stone and wood. In that sense, mention should be made of her Final Degree Project “Discovering the color: The polychromy of the Romanesque architectural sculpture of the Crown of Aragon” (2018). Her Master’s Degree Thesis, entitled “Application and significance of the color in Romanesque wood sculpture” (2019) also followed the same direction, with the study of the Catalan Romanesque majesties and painted wooden crosses.

She currently develops her doctorate under the supervision of professors Manuel Castiñeiras i Carles Sánchez (UAB). Her doctoral thesis estudies “Romanesque polychromy in the architectural sculpture of the Catalan counties. Application, significance and cross-border parallels of color during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries“, framed in this project. 

Recently, she has started to enjoy a Novel Research Staff Grant (FI), awarded by the Management Agency for University and Research grants (AGAUR) of the Generalitat de Catalunya, associated with the UAB department of Art and Musicology, within the framework of the research project “Mobility and artistic transfer in the medieval Mediterranean (1187 – 1388). Artists, objects and models” – MAGISTRI MEDITERRANEI.



  • CUTRINA, L., “El poder de la imatge pintada: la representació de l’altre a l’escultura policromada romànica”, Al marge de l’art. La construcció i la recepció de l’altre des de l’Antiguitat fins als nostres dies, I Jornada d’Estudis Doctorals d’Art i Musicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2020 [PDF]
  • CUTRINA, L., “Descubriendo el color: la policromía en la escultura monumental románica catalana”, Revista Románico, Amigos del Románico, 32 (2021), 32-39 [PDF]
  • CUTRINA, L., “Le pouvoir de l’image peinte: couleurs et symbolismes dans la sculpture polychrome romane”, Espagnes Médiévales: Histoire et Culture de la péninsule ibérique et de ses couronnesHypotheses (abril 2022), OpenEdition: