Chronological framework
Second quarter of the 11th centuryGeographical Framework
Monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll (Ripollès, Catalonia)Techniques
Illumination of manuscripts and musical notation.
Profile and historiographical debate
Gualterus was a monk linked to the Santa Maria de Ripoll’s Monastery, contemporary to the abbot-bishop Oliba (971-1046) He was from the region of the Fuentes del Ebro, currently in Cantabria (Junyent 1992). It was attributed to him the illumination and the musical notation of the manuscript Breviarium de Música (ACA, Ms, Ripoll, 42, f. 6r). His name appears in an acrostic poem with two more monks of the monastery, Arnaldus and the Monk Oliba:
Sede sedens diva comes, abbas, praesul Oliva, tri
rimans cum studio quid musicet eufona Clio, Oliva
me fore delegit Arnaldus iussa peregit, ni
qui iussus peragit quicquid laudabile sentit. Arnaldus
Gualterus vero, de fonte regressus Hibero, tas
formis signavit, numeris signata probavit. Gualterus
It is a manuscript composed by 112 folios (25,70 x 24,70 cm) wrote in Carolingian letter from the 11th century in black tint with epigraphs. According to Pijoan (Pijoan 1914) and Gudiol (Gudiol 1955), this volume would have been the draft of a richly illustrated book, currently lost, commissioned by the abbot-bishop Oliba. It contains fragments of Boethius and a varied collection of texts about rhetoric, grammar and music.
The manuscript was discovered by Jaume Villanueva (Villanueva 1803), where it describes a Gualterus like “the person in charge of transcribing the musical notations and the geometric decorations” of the manuscript. Therefore, Gualterus would have been inspired, not only in the illumination, jointly with Arnaldus, but also on a scripture of a musical tree with de musical divisions.
In any case, it is clear that Gualterus had worked directly by the scriptorium of Ripoll and was part of the circle of proximity of the abbot-bishop Oliba.
Breviarium of Music (ACA, Ms, Ripoll, 42, f. 6r).
Abbot-Bishop Oliba.
Documentary Sources
Prosopopoeia of the Breviarium of Music (ACA, Ms, Ripoll, 42, f. 6r):
Sede sedens diva comes, abbas, praesul Oliva, tri
rimans cum studio quid musicet eufona Clio, Oliva
me fore delegit Arnaldus iussa peregit, ni
qui iussus peragit quicquid laudabile sentit. Arnaldus
Gualterus vero, de fonte regressus Hibero, tas
formis signavit, numeris signata probavit. Gualterus
Translation in English:
Seated in his divine chair Oliva’s count, tri
Abbot and bishop, in the assiduous research of what Clio. Oliva
Of soothing voice, sings, she selected me. ni
He accomplished his dispositions Arnald Arnaldus
That being commanded give perfection of what it is laudable. tas
Also, Gualter, precedent of the Birth of the Ebro Gualterus
Made notations and demonstrated it with numbers
Text: Laia Cutrina Gallart
VILLANUEVA 1803: 57; PIJOAN 1914: 5; GUDIOL 1955: 87 – 89; MENÉNDEZ 1961: 443 – 482; VV.AA. 1979; RÀFOLS, 1980: 514 – 515; IBARBURU 1984: 41, 1987: 278, 290 – 291; ANGLÈS 1988: 138 – 1939; MORENO 1988: 132; JUNYENT 1992: 310; GÓMEZ 2001: 30 – 36; GARRIGOSA 2003: 59 – 60, 369 – 370; CASTIÑEIRAS, LORÉS 2008: 223; CINGOLANI 2017: 471 – 486.