Camps i Sòria, Jordi



Jordi Camps (Barcelona, 1959) is Chief Curator of the Romanesque Area of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC, Barcelona) since February 2005. Nevertheless, he works in the museum since 1995, where he has been Curator attached to the Sub-direction of Collections (2002-2004). Before, he had been Art History professor at the Escola d’Arts i Oficis “la Llotja” of Barcelona (1987-1995), where he assumed the role of Chief of Studies (1990-1992). Simultaneously to his activity in the museum, he has been Associate Professor at the Art History Department of the Universitat de Barcelona (February 1997 to September 2009) and at the Art Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (October 2008 to September 2009).

He obtained the Grade at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (February 1984) and the DEA within the Doctoral program “Història, Teoria i Crítica de les Arts: Art Català i Connexions Internacionals, de la Universitat de Barcelona” (2007). His research activity is based in the 11th to 13th centuries sculpture and he has worked on subjects such as the cathedral of Tarragona, Solsona, the Cabestany Master, some cloisters as well as some wood carving groups as Majestats or Depositions. Some of his works include different aspects of the works and the history of the Romanesque Collection of the MNAC.

He is the author of the book El claustre de la catedral de Tarragona. Escultura de l’ala meridional (Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 1988); the co-author with Milagros Guardia and Immaculada Lorés of La descoberta de la pintura mural romànica catalana. La col·lecció de reproduccions del MNAC (Barcelona, Electa, 1993); and the author of some chapters of the book Le Maître de Cabestany (Eds. du Zodiaque, 2000). He has coordinated the stone and wooden carving chapters of the Catalunya Romànica (vols. IV, V, XVIII and XX, 1990-1992). Recently he is co-author with Manuel Castiñeiras and with the collaboration of Joan Duran-Porta of the book El Románico en las colecciones del MNAC (Barcelona, Lunwerg, MNAC, 2008). He has published in some specialised reviews as Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa, Butlletí del Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Quaderns del Museu Episcopal de Vic or Lambard. Estudis d’art medieval.

He has been curator of several exhibitions at the MNAC: Catalunya a l’època carolíngia. Art i cultura abans del romànic. Segles IX-X, (MNAC, 1999); Obres Mestres del Romànic. Escultures de la Vall de Boí, co-organized with the Musée National du Moyen Âge of Paris and with the collaboration of Xavier Dectot (Paris and Barcelona, 2004-2005); El Romànic i la Mediterrània. Catalunya, Toulouse, Pisa. 1120-1180, with Manuel Castiñeiras (MNAC 2008); and El esplendor del románico. Obras maestras del Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (Madrid, Fundación MAPFRE, 2011).

He is member of the administration council of the Association Culturelle de Cuxa and scientific coordinator, with Manuel Castiñeiras, of the volumes dedicated to Catalonia of the Enciclopedia del Románico, edited by the Fundación Santa María la Real of Aguilar de Campoo. He is preparing the Romanesque chapters of a forthcoming book dedicated to the cloister of the monastery of Ripoll. 



  • CAMPS, J., CASTIÑEIRAS, M., “Figura pintada, imatge esculpida. Eclosió de la monumentalitat i diàleg entre les arts a Catalunya, 1120-1180”, El Romànic i la Mediterrània.Catalunya, Toulouse i Pisa. 1120-1180, Barcelona, 2008, p. 133-147 (exhibition catalogue). [PDF]
  • CAMPS, J., “L’escultura arquitectònica del romànic a Catalunya. Els seus vincles amb Itàlia”, FREIXAS, P., CAMPS, J., (dir.), Els Comacini i l’arquitectura romànica a Catalunya, Barcelona, 2010, p. 167-179. [PDF]
  • CAMPS, J., “Scultura lignea nella Catalogna románica: la tipologia delle “majestats” e il suo rapporto con il volto santo di Lucca”, IV Bozza Oltre le Alpi_III Bozza Alvaro/Città morta, 2011, p. 395-406. [PDF]