Síntesi. Quaderns dels Seminaris de Besalú. 2013

Written by Magistri Cataloniae & Mediterranei. Posted in Publications

  Síntesi. Quaderns dels Seminaris de Besalúid4 sintesi-thumb

Els camins de peregrinació a Santiago i el culte a la Mare de Déu en el Romànic. Num. 1, 2013 [PDF]

The Association Amics de Besalú i del seu Comtat. Centre d'Estudis, in collaboration with the Museu Nacional de Catalunya (MNAC) and the MICINN' research project Artistas, patronos y público: Catalunya y el Mediterráneo. Siglos XI-XV.  Magistri Cataloniae (HAR2011-23015), promotes an annual Romanesque Seminar, which hosts young scholars' research on medieval art history, giving them the opportunity and the ideal platform to present their first contribution to this discipline. 

As a result, it has been published this number of the Síntesi' magazine. It includes the papers which were presented in 2010 and 2011 sessions of this Seminari de Romànic, which were coordinated by Manuel Castiñeiras (UAB) and Jordi Camps (MNAC). Its topic, which is mainly focused on the analysis of jacobean cult and iconography as well as the Virgin ones, is widely related to one of the golds of Magistri Cataloniae research project:  processes of creation and reception of images by the audience. 
