Conferència de Manuel Castiñeiras i Jordi Camps

Escrit per Magistri Cataloniae & Mediterranei. Posted in Papers i Ponències

 Avui, dos dels nostres membres donen dues comunicacions en la First International Conference: Wood carving during the Byzantine andpost-Byzantine period (11th -16th c) 18, 19 and 20 February 2022 (ON LINE), organitzada per la Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grècia):

10.50 - 11.10 Manuel Castiñeiras: “Byzantine wooden thrones and devices for icon display: some intriguing issues concerningthe Kahn Madonna”

12.30-  12.50 Jordi Camps i Sòria: “Around the carvings of the crucifix from the 12th-14th centuries in Catalonia. Questions about typologies and their sources”

Us deixem aquí el link de Zoom: